5 Things That Will 100% DESTROY Your LOVE LIFE

Written by Indus Content Team

If you are in a committed relationship, there are various things which you need to keep in mind. Relationships are not just about having each other’s company when you need them, but you also need to care about your partner if you wish your relationship to last. A relationship is a budding tree, no matter how old it is. You need to nurture it, cater it and of course love it.

A relationship provides you the necessary happiness and will make you a better person if you have chosen to stay with the right person. So, there are certain things which you should be avoiding when you are in a committed relationship. Following are the ten things that will definitely be killing your relationship if think that a relationship is a game.

1.Saying ‘No’ – It might be not be a very big or serious thing to ponder over, but, if the all the ‘no’s keep getting added up, soon you will be facing a serious crisis in your relationship, which might after sometime be the cause of your breakup. Relationships are very subtle, even when they are ten years old, just like a piece of glass. If you try to hold it tight, it might break and again if you try to hold it too softly, it might slip out of your hand and break.

2. Long Fights – I don’t believe that fights are bad. I mean that there are no relationships where the couples don’t fight with each other. After each and every fight that relationship only gets stronger and stronger. But long and frequent fights are not at all a good sign. if you wish to be a part of a long term or rather an everlasting relationship. These sticky fights can seriously kill your relationship sooner than you know.

3. Being Alone After A Fight– The brightest day can soon turn out to be the dullest day of your life, if you had a serious fight with your partner and there’s no one to console you. You start feeling lonely and find no happiness around you or even start to judge your partner and the relationship which you are having with him or her. Both of you go separate ways and start to lick your wounds and soon realise that the one who should have been the cause of your happiness has now become the cause of your sorrow and loneliness.



4. Being Untruthful– Keeping secrets and not trusting your partner is a matter of major concern if you are in a relationship. It will definitely hinder the growth of your relationship and that growing distrust among you will soon be the cause of your breakup.

5. Cheating On Your Partner– This might be the most heinous crime that you can perform if you are in a serious relationship. So, if you are caught kissing or even worse caught making out or fornicating, that will be the end, there and then. Never even think about it. And if you are cheating on your girlfriend or boyfriend right now, tell it to your partner and end it. At least she will know the truth. No point being in the relationship anymore.

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